Renewal Series

Life itself is supported and driven by the continual forces of renewal.

This series explores the energy of springtime and the underlying rhythm of order. Nature comes alive beneath the surface of what we usually see, in response to the warmth of the sun and the sequences of embedded DNA found in all living organisms. These evolutionary processes are what sustains the earth’s creative purpose and also, what touches my soul.

As I worked on these prints, I thought about the fragile nature and delicate balances of life cycles and how these same characteristics also speak to resiliency. Life captivates me with its duality and balanced interactions of competing and complementary forces.

As a result, the quiet details observed within these works dance with symbiotic synergy. Reversals were implemented to evoke curiosity and different ways of looking at similar shapes and imagery. 

Throughout the process of creating the renewal series, I felt a sense of peaceful purpose knowing I am a part of something truly extraordinary and ordinary at the same time.

Lightness arises from what only appears to be dark. As I aligned my awareness to the power of renewal within myself, I touched the creative energy of life.